The extension will act as a bridge between a web-site and the local computer, using the web-browsers native messaging interface. The extension will require the Net iD Client is installed on the computer and the native messaging interface is enabled.
The functionality provided will be depending on the configured access level in the Net iD Client. The lowest access level will allow creation of digital signatures, and with maximum access level will it be possible to administrate the security token. See Net iD Client documentation for more information.
Adding the functionality to a web-site will require communication between the web-site and the extension. The recommended solution is to use the javascript file provided with the Net iD Client, since it will deliver the same interface for different communication methods, i.e. this extension, other web-browser extensions, or older interfaces like ActiveX and NPAPI. See Net iD Client documentation for more information.
This extension should only be available for those that have Net iD Client installed and this extension enabled. Any questions should be directed to your support organization or send a mail to support@secmaker.com.
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