Competitive Companion
(24 人评分) |2490 位用户 | 来自


Competitive Companion parses competitive programming problems and contests and is capable of sending the parsed data to various tools like CP Editor and CPH. Using it is very simple. Just install the extension, make sure you got one of the supported tools open, navigate to a problem page and click on the green plus icon in the top-left of your browser. On websites where Competitive Companion is able to parse contests, navigating to the page with all the problems and clicking on the green plus icon will download and parse all problems in the contest at once. You can also use the Ctrl+Shift+U shortcut instead of the green plus icon (configurable on about:addons > Cog > Manage Extension Shortcuts). Supported tools: - acmX - AI Virtual Assistant - AutoCp - Caide - CHelper - Competitive Programming Gradle Plugin - Competitive Programming Helper - CompetiTest.nvim - CP Editor - cpbooster - cphelper.nvim - Hightail - JHelper - Mind Sport - Red Panda Dev-C++ - rust-competitive-helper - Any other tool that can parse the data that is being sent, read more about that in the README on GitHub, and have a look at the example project here. Problem parsers are available for the following websites: - A2 Online Judge - ACMP - Aizu Online Judge - AlgoZenith - Anarchy Golf - AtCoder - Baekjoon Online Judge - BAPS OJ - beecrowd - Bloomberg CodeCon - BUCTOJ - CodeChef - CodeDrills - Codeforces - CodeMarshal - COJ - Contest Hunter - - CS Academy - CSES - CSU-ACM Online Judge - Daimayuan Online Judge - Dimik OJ - DMOJ - Eolymp - ECNU Online Judge - FZU Online Judge - Google Coding Competitions - HackerEarth - HackerRank - HDOJ - HIT Online Judge - hihoCoder - HKOI Online Judge - Hrbust Online Judge - Hydro - ICPC Live Archive - InfoArena - ITCoder HUTECH - Jutge - Kattis - Kilonova - Lanqiao - Library Checker - LibreOJ - LightOJ - LSYOI - Luogu - Mendo - Meta Coding Competitions - MOI Arena - mrJudge - MSK Informatics - Neps Academy - NerdArena - Newton School - NOJ - NowCoder - NYTD Online Judge - omegaUp - OpenJudge - OTOG - Panda Online Judge - PEG Judge - POJ - PBInfo - PTA - Public Judge - QDUOJ - RoboContest - SDUT OnlineJudge - Sort Me - SPOJ - SSOIER - TheJobOverflow - Timus Online Judge - TLX - Toph - uDebug - UOJ - USACO - USACO Training - UVa Online Judge - Virtual Judge - XXM - Yandex - yukicoder - ZOJ - ZUFEOJ Contest parsers are available for the following websites: - A2 Online Judge - AtCoder - beecrowd - BUCTOJ - CodeChef - Codeforces - CodeMarshal - COJ - Contest Hunter - - CSES - CSU-ACM Online Judge - Daimayuan Online Judge - DMOJ - DOMjudge - Eolymp - ECNU Online Judge - FZU Online Judge - HackerEarth - HackerRank - HDOJ - hihoCoder - HKOI Online Judge - Hydro - Kattis - Kilonova - Lanqiao - LibreOJ - Luogu - MOI Arena - NOJ - NYTD Online Judge - OpenJudge - PEG Judge - POJ - Public Judge - QDUOJ - RoboContest - Timus Online Judge - TLX - UOJ - Virtual Judge - Yandex - yukicoder - ZUFEOJ

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要求浏览器内核版本 ≥ 109.0a1


2.53.0 已同步至最新
2024年5月27日 2个月前