My Session Browser
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1. Ability to start separate "Sessions" with fully sandboxed user data (pinned windows, history, bookmarks, saved passwords, cookies, etc.) and hot switch between them. 2. Create "Spaces" within a Session for separate groups of related tabs to stay organized. 3. Split screen within a Space to host your open windows in 'Home', 'Side', 'Bottom' or 'Float' splits. 4. Scrollable Tabs in the Tab Navigation Bar. 5. Vertical Tabs in the side overlay panel. Expand the overlay panel to get a full screen view of your open tabs with screenshots. 6. View your bookmarks in the side overlay panel or expand it to view your bookmarks with snapshots. 7. Open RSS feeds in multiple tabs and in split screens and see them in a visually appealing layout and bookmark your favorite feeds. 8. Open local folders using the built-in file explorer in multiple tabs and bookmark your frequently accessed folders. 9. Open local image and video files using the built-in media viewer and bookmark your favorites. 10. Stack windows within a split to get an overview of all open windows simultaneously. 11. Swipe through open windows using your touchpad or touchscreen. 12. Set your favorite AI website as your default assistant and open it with a quick shortcut in the side navigation. 13. Block all intrusive Ads using the 'Block Frames' setting. 14. Extract the readable text content from a webpage and use the text-to-speech feature to have the article read to you. 15. Find all the embedded content in a webpage and quickly extract relevant links. 16. Use the 'Command Center' to search through all your open tabs, bookmarks, and history and use your voice to search if you like. 17. Pinch-to-zoom inside webpages, tabs, bookmarks, file explorer, feed reader and the media viewer. 18. Match your system's light or dark mode automatically. 19. Customize your Session with desired background image and color. Uses Acrylic, Mica, Transparency, and Shadows to bring visual consistency and beauty throughout the interface. 20. Subtle animations bring the interface and actions to life.


Web Browser Tabs with Screenshots Split-Screen (Side-by-Side, Top-Bottom, Floating) RSS Feeds in multiple Tabs File Explorer in multiple Tabs Built-In Media Player Bookmarks with Screenshots Separate Sessions Spaces to Organize Tabs Privacy-focused Built-in Ad-Blocker Sync using your OneDrive


适用平台电脑, 移动电话, Surface Hub, HoloLens

操作系统Windows 10 版本 19041.0 或更高版本

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appx / msix
版本 已同步至最新
2024年7月27日 9小时前