Astro Sun Moon displays the current data of sun and moon, astronomical date and zodiac sign. The app also includes a sun and moon calendar with the dates for sunrise, culmination, sunset, moonlight and moon phases of the next 30 days. In an additional view, the position of sun and moon can be displayed graphically and their movement during the current day can be animated.
Display of the current data for sun and moon position
Ascent, culmination, sunset, sun and moonlight duration with difference to the previous day
Current sun and moon zodiac sign
Many astronomical data of the sun and the moon
Sun calendar displaying data for rising, culmination, setting and equation time
Moon calendar displaying data for rising, culmination, setting and moon phase
Graphical view of the current position of sun and moon
Animation of the motion of sun and moon during the current day
Optimizing the display for mobile devices.
Bugfix for standard time and daylight saving time.
适用平台:电脑, 移动电话, Surface Hub, HoloLens
操作系统:Windows 10 版本 15063.0 或更高版本
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