Download Tools is a simple and yet powerful add-on that allows you to easily download files with a multi-threaded technique in your browser.
It uses an open-source software called - aria2. According to the aria2 website (https://aria2.github.io/), it is a lite multi-protocol and multi-source command-line download utility. It supports HTTP/HTTPS, FTP, SFTP, BitTorrent and Metalink.
This add-on uses nativeMessaging (https://developer.chrome.com/apps/nativeMessaging) technology to communicate with aria2 utility on your machine. Before using this add-on, you need to have aria2 executable on your system. You also need the native-client patch to build the communication between aria2 and your browser.
First, please visit this (https://github.com/aria2/aria2/releases) page to download and install the aria2 engine on your system.
Then, please visit this (https://github.com/alexmarcoo-nt/open-in-native-client/releases) GitHub repo and download the related patch for your machine. Follow the instruction in the above GitHub page to install the patch in your system. After installing, download tools add-on in your browser can communicate with aria2 client on your machine (Window, Linux, or Mac).
If you have a feature request or found a bug to report, please fill the bug report form in the add-on's homepage (https://mybrowseraddon.com/multithreaded-download-manager.html).
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