⚠️ Disclaimer: A Beesy user should inform and get consent of other Google Meet members when recording is enabled on their system according to their local laws. Be a sound user and respect others' privacy :)
Beesy is FREE for local use, no signup and no cloud dependency at all!
Just install the extension and start recording. Features:
🎥 Record without signing up
✍️ Meetings are transcribed automatically using Google captions
🦺 You won't lose your recordings, even if your computer crashes!
⚡ Use shortcuts to start/stop recording. Configure them as per your need
🔊 Option to start video+audio or audio only recordings
🔇 Supports muting audio in recording by muting Google Meet, which is not possible with screen recorders
🎤 Automatically detect active mic when (dis)connecting headphones
⌛ Show time since recording started in extension icon
📥 Recording is downloaded automatically when you leave a meeting
🔀 Show recording in progress and an easy way to switch to the active Meet tab
🎦 Auto-disable Google Meet media controls before joining a session
🔔 Notify you to start recording when joining a meet
This extension does NOT track or share user data.
However, we use error collection service to improve Beesy and its user's experience.
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