深色模式 - Сhrome 的深色閱讀器
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Dark Theme 和 Dark Reader for Chrome 擴展程序在幾乎所有網站上啟用夜間模式,並使您能夠控制那些擁有它的內置黑暗主題。 如果該網站有內置的夜間主題,您可以直接從擴展程序控制它,如果沒有(如 Gmail、Google Docs、Office Online、Github 和數百萬其他),我們將轉換顏色以為您提供平滑的過渡 在黑暗模式下。 還有一個白名單功能,使您能夠從模式中排除所需的域。 只需將域添加到選項頁面中的指定區域(以逗號分隔),網站將被排除在外。 立即在您的網絡瀏覽器中下載黑暗模式! 🌙 夜班 激活 Night Shift 模式可將屏幕上的普通光線轉換為暖色調,從而防止您的眼睛受到傷害。 您可以在需要時單擊一下即可打開和關閉該工具。 Night Shift 和 Dark Mode 擴展程序會在天黑後自動將瀏覽器內容的顏色轉換為色譜中較暖的一端。 ⚡ 您需要刷新所有在安裝深色模式和夜班之前打開的選項卡。 您也可以重新啟動 Chrome 以立即刷新所有選項卡。 否則,Night Shift 將僅適用於新打開的選項卡。 只需安裝一個擴展程序即可為 Chrome 啟用深色模式。 🌖 黑暗讀者 這個護眼擴展通過為網站動態創建深色主題來啟用夜間模式。 Dark Reader 反轉明亮的顏色,使它們具有高對比度並且在夜間易於閱讀。 擴展將在所有網站上放置深色主題,適合那些在晚上工作的人和黑暗閱讀器的在線新聞或書籍閱讀。 此擴展程序將 Google 文檔的樣式更改為深色主題,使眼睛更舒適,看起來更酷 :) YouTube 擴展的深色主題將 YouTube 主題轉換為高度可定制的深色木炭/藍色主題。 這個 Dark Reader 擴展建立在默認的 YouTube 主題(原生黑暗主題)之上,因此與使用 Stylish 或 Stylus 擴展注入的主題相比,它非常輕量級。 隨時提出任何問題並發表評論。 您的反饋對我們的 Dark Reader 非常重要! Dark Theme extension enables night mode on nearly all websites and gives you the ability to control the built-in dark themes on those that have it. If the website has built-in night theme, you can control it directly from extension and if it doesn't (like Gmail, Google Docs, Office Online, Github and millions others), we will convert the colors to provide you with smooth transition on dark mode. There is also a white-list feature which enables you to exclude a desired domain from mode. Simply add a domain(s) to the designated area (comma separated) in the options page and the websites will be excluded. Download dark mode now in your web browser! 🌙 Night Shift Activate Night Shift mode to invert the usual light from the screen to a warmer tone, thus, preventing your eyes from harm. You can turn the tool on and off in a single click when you need it. Night Shift and Dark Mode extension automatically shifts the colors of your browser content to warmer end of the color spectrum after dark. ⚡ You need to refresh all the tabs, which were opened BEFORE the Dark mode and Night Shift was installed. You can also restart the Chrome to refresh all the tabs at once. Otherwise, Night Shift will work only with the newly opened tabs. This extension changes the style of Google Docs to a dark theme that is easier on the eyes and looks cooler :) Dark mode for Internet - your web in black colour. Dark internet changes all web pages to black colour. Black mode for Twitter, Youtube, Facebook and all New Tabs Do you want to have a stylish dark web design and your eyes ask for a break from bright colours? Dark internet covers all web pages in a black colour. Dark internet is an automatic way to make Chrome dark. Dark mode and night shift for all popular sites in one place. Dark Youtube, Dark Facebook, Dark Twitter, Dark Instagram all these and much more in your browser. Simply install an extension to enable black mode for Chrome. NOTE: YouTube is a trademark of Google Inc. Use of this trademark is subject to Google Permissions. Feel free to ask any questions and leave comments for our Dark Mode and Night Shift extension. Your feedback is very important for us! Dark Reader extension, dark theme for your browser!

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要求浏览器内核版本 ≥ 88


1.7.0 已同步至最新
2024年1月26日 8个月前
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