What are you waiting for? Shop and earn cashback at over 7,000 online stores with the highest cashback rate guaranteed.
Our TopCashback browser extension is the go-to money-saving tool that helps you:
⦿ Earn cash back
Shop directly from your favorite store and activate the cashback rate by clicking the TopCashback hummingbird logo at the top of your browser. You’ll never miss a chance to save or earn cashback again.
⦿ Get notified of cashback rates directly in your favorite search engine
When you're browsing the web on Chrome or Firefox, you’ll be able to see which stores offer cashback and/or have coupons available right in the search results.
⦿ Easily view and search your favorite stores
Not sure if you can score cashback at a specific store? Simply click the TopCashback hummingbird logo at the top of your browser and search for your favorite retailer. If we offer cashback, it will automatically populate with the store name which you can click and then shop and earn cashback.
⦿ Score the best coupons and deals
And while you’re viewing your favorite stores, you can even snag some of the best deals around. Take a look under “Best Deals” for some of our favorites, or if you’re already shopping at your favorite store, click the TopCashback hummingbird logo at the top of your browser to view store-specific sales and coupons to help you save even MORE money.
⦿ PLUS Auto Coupons
When you get to a store’s checkout page you may receive a notification that we found a coupon for you and can automatically add it to your basket. This’ll make it even easier for you to save money while you shop.
By clicking “Add to Chrome,” you agree to the additional TopCashback Browser End User License Agreement: https://www.topcashback.com/Dyn/notifier-EULA
How does the cash back process work?
We use affiliate programs to provide you with cash back. So, when you click through to a retailer advertised on our site or browser extension, we're in effect acting as an advertising agent for the retailer by sending it online customers and traffic. In return for this, the retailer (and its tracking agency) pays us commission. It's this commission that we pay to you as cash back.
Why do we do this?
Because we hope to gain your loyalty and repeat business to continue building an even bigger and better site. We're proud to say we've already built up a hugely successful U.S. site and brand, which means we're currently earning and passing on to you the highest levels of cash back available.
Please see our Privacy Policy at: https://www.topcashback.com/Privacy
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