Struggling to get data from PDF tables to Excel?
Using Tabello all you have to do is activate the extension and drag a selection around your PDF data - and your data is instantly converted to Excel friendly format, ready to be pasted into Excel (or any other spreadsheet).
A fast, accurate & secure way to copy PDF tables to Excel or Google Sheets.
Tabello is super fast and delivers instant results. Get to work with your data right away.
No need to double-check the data. Tabello uses the original data in the PDF, making it 100% accurate.
We take security seriously. Your PDF data never leaves your computer, so there is no need to worry about anyone else seeing it.
Stop wasting time on manual data entry. Let Tabello do the work for you.
Tabello supports both PDFs from the web and files hosted on your computer. Simply open the PDF in Chrome (for example by dragging the file to Chrome) and you have access to the same features as always!
Tabello is optimized to make it as easy as possible to select and extract data from a single table. Examples include annual reports, research reports, academic reports, company presentations, and other documents where PDF keeps valuable data locked down.
By installing this extension you accept our Terms of Service (https://tabellopdf.com/terms-of-service) and Privacy Policy (https://tabellopdf.com/privacy-policy). Please take the time to read it.
Read more about how to use the extension in our guide (https://www.tabellopdf.com/post/how-to-use-the-tabello-chrome-extension)
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